Tuesday 6 July 2010

Charity Coffee Morning, 13 July 2010, Altrincham

Charity Coffee Morning
in aid of the Children's Adventure Farm Trust Charity (CAFT)
at Queenie Mumbles Cafe
Goose Green Altrincham WA14 1GB
on Tuesday 13 July 2010
between 10.30am and 12.30am
organised by Caroline Evers of Busy Bee Networking

Queenie Mumbles is donating 50% of the profits from coffees purchased during the event. Plus there is a raffle with some great prizes donated by Busy Bee network members and a number of other South Manchester based/local businesses. Silver Concierge itself has donated £ 100 worth of gifts towards helping this local charity.

Please can you either
- try to find some time to pop along for a coffee and buy a ticket so lending your support this incredible charity
- or spread the word about this event to friends and colleagues that will be able to attend that morning.

CAFT always appreciates any help that enables them to continue to provide activities and holidays for disadvantaged children.

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