Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Gardens in Cheshire

If you are interested in gardens or going for a walk You might like to keep in touch with what is happening at two of our local parks in Cheshire.

Dunham Park's Winter Garden which launched late 2009 has been generating a lot of interest. I've enjoyed a couple of walks around it over winter already with friends and family followed by a warming bowl of soup in the Stableyard cafe afterwards.

Tatton Park lists its events here and has recently started a gardeners blog which you may find interesting. If you are a keen gardener then you might like to take a look at the Gardening Channel which I came across recently.

Enjoy the developing Spring season

Time to get out in the garden

At last the weather is warming up ! I remember being astonished at this map of the UK back in January 2010 - quite amazing buts makes me feel cold even now when I look at it. We have lost a number of plants in our garden over this winter so will be planning what to replace them with as soon the planting season will be upon us.

I've been in touch with one of the gardening services we use as although I like to potter round and do some weeding and planting as a relaxing hobby I find they are a great help a couple of times a year. I use them for a good tidy up after the winter and again at the end of summer when the leaves need to be cleared away. Some of our clients like using and enjoying their gardens but are not gardeners themselves or they are short of time so they use a garden service much more regularly - weekly or monthly depending on the size of their plot. That's one of the advantages of using Silver Concierge's services we are on hand as little or as often as you need us.

It has been such a late flowering season. At last the daffodils are beginning to show signs of flowering. They are so late this year and I spotted this article in the Guardian - one of several included in UK news sites. The Cumbria Tourist Board has been asking for people to report on Twitter any sightings of daffodils blooming in 2010 in the Lake District!

Our crocuses have been giving a colourful display and there are still lots of snowdrops to be seen this week when going out and about on walks. So whether you believe that Spring starts on the 1st March or the 21st March with the
birds cheerfully singing it is finally making its' presence known.